U.S. Supreme Court Declines J&J Appeal of $70M Risperdal Verdict

Johnson & Johnson is out of options after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the pharmaceutical company’s appeal of a $70 million Risperdal verdict. In the cases of Yount vs. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the 2019 Superior Court of Pennsylvania ruling stands. Yount’s doctor prescribed Risperdal off-label to address behavioral problems associated with autism when he […]
$8 Billion Risperdal Verdict Tops Legal News in 2019

April 2020 Update: Stephen Sheller has been recognized by the American Association for Justice with AAJ’s 2019 Top Verdict Award. “Each year, American Association for Justice releases the Top Verdicts Litigation Packet, featuring the opening statements and closing arguments from the previous year’s top cases. Congratulations on the impressive result you secured for your clients […]
Risperdal Case Reinstated After Janssen Appeal Denied

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court declined to hear Janssen Pharmacuetical’s request for an appeal of a lower courts decision to reinstate the lawsuit of a Texas man who took Risperdal as a child. The Pennsylvania Superior Court’s decision to allow Tommy Moroni’s suit against Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, to go back to trial will stand. July 2019, the Pennsylvania […]
Plaintiff’s Counsel Vows to Have $8B Risperdal Verdict Reinstated

Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Kenneth Powell reduced an October 2019 $8 billion punitive damages verdict against J&J to $6.8 million. A jury had awarded the figure over allegations that J&J’s drug Risperdal caused the plaintiff to grow breasts as a young boy. The $6.8 million reduced verdict is 10 times the jury verdict […]
Superior Court Upholds $70M Risperdal Verdict

A Pennsylvania Superior Court has rejected Johnson & Johnson’s appeal of a 2016 $70 million verdict awarded to a 20 year-old Tennessee man, Andrew Yount (A.Y.) who developed gynecomastia after taking the antipsychotic drug Risperdal since he was 4-1/2 years old. Gynecomastia is an irreversible condition caused by an increase in the hormone prolactin and […]
Thousands of Risperdal Cases Previously Time-Barred, Reopened

In a 6 to 1 decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court opened the door for thousands of pending Risperdal injury cases to proceed to trial. The seven-justice court ruled that a jury must decide, on a case by case basis, at which date the plaintiff should have had knowledge that the ingestion of Janssen Pharmaceuticals drug […]
Sheller Gives Presentations on Risperdal and Opioid Litigation

Stephen A. Sheller, founder of Sheller PC, is often sought for his expertise in litigation against pharmaceutical manufacturers whose products cause harm to consumers. He recently has one of few private law firms chosen to work with the City of Philadelphia in opioid litigation. In October 2019 Sheller was an invited speaker at two conferences. October 12, 2019 “Big […]
Positive Developments in Risperdal Litigation in August

Several positive developments this month for young men injured from taking the Risperdal. Risperdal is an anti-psychotic drug manufactured by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The drug’s side effects included gynecomastia, the growth of female-like breast in young boys. $2.5M Jury Verdict Stands The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has declined to hear an appeal of […]
New Trial for Risperdal Injury Previously Tossed

In another win for plaintiffs injured by Risperdal, a Pennsylvania appellate court reversed a trial courts decision to grant the defendants motion for nonsuit, mid-trial. This decision will send the case back to the Pennsylvania Courts of Common Pleas for retrial. In the 2016 case of T.M. vs Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the trial judge decided mid-trial […]
Jury May Decide Risperdal Time Bar

Two cases in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court could result in 40% of the over 7,000 Risperdal cases being time barred from moving forward. The Pennsylvania docket for Risperdal cases has grown significantly in the last few years. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is being asked to reconsider two lower court rulings that began the […]